sachet sorter counter machinery with output conveyor

  • Last update:2025-03-09
  • Page View:48

Scope of application

sachet sorter counter with output conveyor

sachets sorter machine sorting sachets in line

  FB-WX-02 servo system sachets sorter counter machinery with outpout conveyor, this design for suit for OEM factories.


1. Sachet sorter machine to sorting messy of bags to be one by one and output in-line. we can intergrating sorter machine with sachet counter machine, cheweigher, outpout conveyor, carton boxing machine, bagging machine etc.

2. sachets counter machinery is connected with sachets sorter machinery. sachets counter machiner to couting sachets one by one and store bags in buffer hopper, the number is setted in touch screen

3. Output conveyor with bolw hopper connected with counter machine. bolw hopper design is conveniently to be taken by hand.

Features & Mechanical Character :

Features of machine:

1. FB-WX-02 sachets sorter counter machinery with output conveyor are suit for various of products line. one machine is applicated to stick bags, 3 & 4 sides sealing bags, shaped sachets etc.

stick sachets3 and 4 sides sealing sachets

2. workers take bags from bolw hopper and filling into pouch, boxes by hand.  it's matching Diversified packages, there is no limit to change size of pouch or boxes

conveyor of sorter counter machinery

3. FB-WX-02 sachets sorter counter machinery with output conveyor can be connected with VFFS packing machine, carton box packaging machine, premade bag packing machine etc.

Technical Specification :

Model FBV-WX-02 sahcets sorter counter machinery with output conveyor
Size of machine According with products (standard size: L*W*H = 5600*9700*1800mm)
sorting range width of bag: 10-150mm, length of bag: 30-200mm
sorting speed 100-250 bags/minute
weight of machine 1200 kgs
power 8 Kw,  1 phase 220V, 50-60Hz, note: voltage is customized

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